A dark cloud followeth me





At least one of these images is not that of a ski boot. It’s not the latest fashion footwear, nor is it a device for strengthening one’s ankle in preparation for “Dancing with the Stars”. It is most decidedly not that freakishly, strappy, astronaut pump that Neil Armstrong would have looked smart wearing for mankind’s first footstep on the Moon and when worn, it makes driving a 2000 5-speed Toyota MR2 Spyder convertible a tad awkward.

I could go on but why belabor the inevitable and ridiculously ironic point? It’s my boot cast on the top left. My Karma stabilizer, life impediment.  A cosmic joke perpetrated by, oh, I don’t know–the cosmos?

It was a recent Sunday (relatively speaking) in the Milky Way Galaxy, only three days before the scheduled 4th surgery on my screwed up left, total knee replacement (TKR), when I tripped over our Golden Retriever and fell so ungracefully that the standard, Slapstick “pratfall” should be renamed the “Lucy”.  It hurt, too. All the floors are tiled–really, really, hard tile.

Here’s the culprit.  Looks innocent, doesn’t he? Did I mention we were home alone?


Well, I broke my ankle in two (2) places and had to have surgery to put in plates and screws. My knee surgery has been postponed. Did I tell you that I was transferred from the ER to the hospital where my surgeon has privileges–at my request? Although the “boot” suggests walking, I cannot put any weight on it. Estimated time for healing: eight (8) weeks (1 week down, 7 to go). Come on–something will go wrong–you know it will. There is a dark cloud over my head.


The cloud affords no cover. It rains on my parade.



7 thoughts on “A dark cloud followeth me

    • Thanks. Imagine my surprise in the ER when they told me I had broken my ankle. I wasn’t in much pain so I thought it was just a sprain. I have morphine and other pain meds but I really don’t need much. My biggest issue is staying off my feet. I’m in a wheelchair and can’t tend my garden. I have offered to pay my roommate’s son to take care of everything but I’m afraid he will be a disappointment. Thanks for the comforting thoughts. Lucy

    • Thanks, sweetie. A physical therapist came to see me yesterday and told me he had to read my file 3 times–he could not believe everything that has happened to me. He can’t do any PT with me because of my knee and the ankle. I am so bored. I look forward to seeing the visiting nurse every day. . Thanks for the comforting support. Lucy

    • Most assuredly. Blogging and reading. I can blog while on pain meds but I can’t read while on them. I keep reading the same page over and over again. Thanks for thinking of me. Lucy

Your excessive thoughts, please