Bed bugs, Mostly Dead, a stubborn hibiscus, and what about Bob?


Ever have bed bugs? One can pick them up from the gym, a hotel, or even a friend. There’s no cleaner person than RM’s son, “the boy” yet while I was in the skilled nursing facility (aka the home) RM told me the boy had discovered bed bugs in his bedding. Continue reading

Garden update

 I  like gardening – it’s a place where I find myself when I need to lose myself. – Alice Sebold

It’s getting close to the Vernal Equinox.  Spring will begin March 20th.  It’s  time for an update on how the plants weathered the winter here in Florida.  We had several weeks of below 60 F (15 C) which may sound ludicrously warm to those of you who have received a lot of snow.  Sorry about that.  I had to lug several of my potted plants into the house at night, such as the aloe vera, the crown of thorns; New Guinea impatience, and my young banana plants. It was a pain in the toches but well worth it in the long run. Continue reading

The Recalcitrant Hibiscus


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Healthy hibiscus plants yield  large, luxurious blooms, in vivid shades from red to pink, yellow , orange, purple and white. The flowers of some species are also fragrant.  Hibiscus belongs to the mallow family of plants,  Malvaceae , which has several hundred species that are native to warm-temperate, subtropical and tropical regions throughout the world   Many species are popular  because of their showy flowers and their attractiveness to bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Continue reading