War of the Worlds (radio drama)

Image  Adaptation of H.G. Wells’ novel, The War of the Worlds (1898) was dramatized over the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network for the Mercury Theatre on the Air series on October 30, 1938. It was performed as a Halloween episode and was a 62-minute show, without breaks.  It was directed and narrated by actor and future filmmaker, Orson Welles. The adaptation was broadcast from Madison Avenue in New York City. Continue reading

Who am I?

Everything in excess is opposed to Nature – Hippocrates

ImageHello. My name is Lucy and I am an excessive gardener. I have gardened on and off over the years in various USDA Plant Hardiness Zones. I moved to Zone 10a from Zone 7b last winter .  My problem is that I am consumed by my  fondness  of plants. I can’t pass by a Home Depot or Lowe’s without stopping in to make a quick purchase at the gardening center. Continue reading